The Governor’s evolving Executive Orders and guidance regarding essential business functions are meant to be read together so following the changes can be a challenge. Construction and supporting professional services remain essential business functions throughout.
The newest version of the Executive Order was released on Monday. Here is a short list of the most relevant guidance for you and your business.
COVID19-08 – March 30, 2020
- Employers who are permitted to remain open under
the Order may wish to provide a letter to employees who must commute to
and from work. The guidance suggests content of that letter. - Workers commuting into Maryland from an adjacent
state or Washington, D.C. are not expected to self-quarantine. - Clarifies that curbside pickup from bars and
restaurants is still permitted, but not from non-essential businesses.
COVID19-06 – March 24, 2020
- While non-essential businesses are closed to the
general public, staff is allowed access on site as reasonably necessary. - Clarifies what to do when “non-essential” status is
unclear, including reading all Orders, federal and state guidance
COVID19-05 – March 23, 2020
- Engineering, architectural, interior design and
title companies are among the non-exhaustive list of companies that are not
required to close.
COVID19-04 – March 23, 2020
- Businesses not required to close include property
maintenance, commercial and residential construction companies and “supporting
firms.” - Incorporates federal
guidance on businesses supporting critical infrastructure
NAIOP members are urged to
consult with their own legal counsel for advice about the application of the
Order and this Interpretive Guidance to their particular facts and
circumstances. All
of the Orders and Guidance are available here.